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Green Vietnam Kratom Powder


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Green Vietnam Kratom Powder

We are proud to offer Green Vietnam Kratom Powder. This highly desirable yet rare, green-veined strain is certainly a strain every kratom enthusiast wants in their collection. It possesses a unique alkaloid profile that is suitable for any kratom user.

Green Vietnam Kratom – Strain Overview

If you’re looking to mix things up and get away from the green-veined strains that you’re used to, then Green Vietnam may fit the bill. Due to where it’s grown and how it is harvested, it’s rich in the alkaloids that make kratom so desirable around the world. While some strains of kratom are best for those with more kratom experience, this strain of kratom is suitable for anyone, even those who may be new to what kratom has to offer.

What Is Green Vietnam Kratom?

Green Vietnam is grown in, as you may have guessed from the name, Vietnam. But Vietnam is unlike any other Southeast Asian country due to the Mekong River. This region of the world supplies the soil with unique minerals and when combined with the tropical climate, this creates a strain of kratom that is unlike any you may know of, with incredibly balanced alkaloids.

However, this type of kratom can be difficult to find because of how challenging it is to harvest. That’s why if you find a source for quality, pure Green Vietnam Kratom like that here at our website, you should not pass it up.

Why Purchase From Us?

We want to provide the purest, highest-quality, and safest kratom to our customers that we can – and to do that we do a variety of things differently from many other kratom vendors.

We know the farmers that grow our kratom. We have taken years to establish relationships with the people who cultivate and harvest the kratom we sell, so we know where it comes from, how it was treated, and the processes used after it was harvested. We also make it a point to source all the kratom we sell responsibly because we care about the planet and those who work so hard to bring kratom to you.

As members of the American Kratom Association, we also test all the kratom we sell under AKA guidelines. A third-party lab ensures that our kratom is free from fillers, additives, and contaminants so that our customers can rest assured that they’re only getting 100% pure kratom.

We love the products we sell so much and are so convinced you will too that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to let our customers know just how much we stand behind our quality and purity.

Buying Green Vietnam Kratom Powder

Whether you want a little Green Vietnam or a lot, we have you covered. We offer our powder in quantities ranging from 50 grams to 1 kilogram. We also package our kratom using GMP methods to ensure that your kratom stays free from contaminants, is fresh, and safe.

Strains Similar

Green Vietnam is a special strain of kratom, but it’s also rare. If you like it but are wondering what other strains are out there that may be more available to you but with a similar alkaloid profile, we suggest the following strains:

Green Malay

Green Malay Kratom is a green-veined strain, which means that it’ll have similar strength in its alkaloids as Green Vietnam. It shares some of Green Vietnam’s most important characteristics, too, which is why many people who enjoy Green Vietnam also enjoy Green Malay.

Green Borneo

Green Borneo is a very popular kratom strain and for good reason. It has an energizing but balanced alkaloid profile, just like Green Vietnam. It strikes a great balance between white-veined and red-veined kratom strains, so it’s a great kratom to add to your collection.

We stand behind the kratom we sell and back up our products with amazing customer service. If you have questions, contact us, or simply order your Green Vietnam Kratom Powder today and begin understanding why this strain is so popular. 

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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g, 50g

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