We cannot discuss dosing with you, as there are restrictions in the kratom industry. However, we do have customers wondering how many grams is a teaspoon of kratom. So, to help you understand the amounts we decided to write this blog.
There are different forms of kratom including powder, capsules, and extracts. However, kratom powder tends to be the top choice among users. All strains are typically offered in powder form and tend to be the most economically priced.
The powder can also be used to make other kratom products such as extracts. Kratom powder can be tricky for newbies. Please note that only a medical physician can give you advice on kratom. We are not allowed to advise you on any aspects of kratom. Our blogs are for informational purposes only.
Our goal in this blog is to help you understand how many grams of powder is in a single teaspoon. With any type of measuring you need to be precise. Each time you scoop out your powder be sure to round it off. This will give you the most accurate measurement.
Measuring kratom powder can be done with kitchen tools. You do not have to go out and buy a special measuring spoon for your kratom powder, just use what you have! Most kratom users will choose a teaspoon for measuring powder, but you may also opt for a tablespoon. However, you should know that these spoons are not the best way to measure powder.
Why is this? Because not all spoons will be alike. Many spoons may be smaller or larger. This is something you need to be aware of. Measuring kratom needs to be accurate. Consistency is key for your overall wellness support.
You also need to take into consideration that there are variations in the weight per volume of powder. It will vary slightly from one strain to the next.
It is first essential that you understand how many grams are in a teaspoon. Just be aware that different strains will measure out differently. For example, salt is very fine and the grams within a teaspoon are going to be different than if you are measuring sugar.
Let us break it down for you so you can understand why the measurements will vary.
• 1 tsp. of salt = 5.9 grams
• 1 tsp. of flour = 2.6 grams
Kratom has a flour-like consistency. As on average, one teaspoon of kratom will range from 2.0 to 2.3 grams. The true measurement will all depend on how finely the powder is ground and the strain that is being measured out.
While we are talking measurements, we may as well cover tablespoons. On average there are between 6.2 – 7.0 grams per tablespoon. Of course, this will also vary according to the strain that is being used, how finely it is ground, and also your measuring spoon.
When you are using measuring spoons you want to be sure that it is level. Get a teaspoon full of powder and flatten it. This way the powder does not push over the edges. Use a card to level off the top. The access powder should be pushed off. This will get you precise measurements.
If you are used to capsules you may be curious as to how many capsules are in a teaspoon/tablespoon. The size of the capsule will dictate the amount of powder that is needed.
Most capsules will hold 0.5 grams.
We advise you to always check with your general practitioner before purchasing kratom. A physician is the only one who can give you advice on dosage and recommend strains.
This blog was created to help you understand how many grams a teaspoon of kratom is. If you have any other questions about measuring out kratom we asked that you discuss it with your family physician.
There are legalities in the kratom industry and we are not allowed to give you advice on dosages or make recommendations of strains. If you are looking for high-quality kratom powders or capsules, don’t forget to check out our products. We are a part of the American Kratom Association and adhere to all GMP regulations. This allows us to offer the best in the industry.