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Red Wine Kratom Powder


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Like a fine red wine, sometimes the best kratom powder comes with time – and a little ingenuity. Red Wine Kratom Powder from us is a special blend you can’t find just anywhere. It’s the result of the hard work and creativity of kratom masters who have perfectly blended this strain specifically for our amazing customers.

Red Wine Kratom – Strain Overview

Red Wine Kratom is a strain you can’t just find anywhere because it’s not a strain that grows on a tree – it’s the result of mixing together red-veined kratom and white-veined kratom. The kratom farmers we work with in Southeast Asia grow our red and white-veined kratom on plantations, where they are  picked and dried to create kratom powder. Then, the two vein colors are mixed to create a distinctive alkaloid profile that won’t be found in any other blend.

Red Wine Kratom – What Is It?

To understand Red Wine Kratom, you first must understand the difference between red-veined and white-veined kratom. Red-veined kratom is made from the leaves of the kratom tree that have been plucked from the branch when they’re at their most mature. This creates a unique alkaloid profile that is high in the alkaloid 7-hydroxymitragynine. White-veined varieties, however, are picked from the branch early in their lifecycle and tend to be higher in the alkaloid mitragynine than red-veined kratom.

Red Wine Kratom blends the best of both of these worlds and mixes the alkaloid concentrations of each to create a one-of-a-kind kratom powder.

Why Buy From Us?

We are committed to quality, purity, and responsibility. We responsibly source all the kratom we offer and work hard to maintain close relationships with the Southeast Asian farmers who grow our kratom. That way, we can monitor how our kratom is grown and processed to ensure its quality, safety, and purity.

Furthermore, as accredited vendors through the American Kratom Association, we lab-test all of our kratom products through independent third-party labs to ensure that you’re only getting the best and purest kratom possible. We process and package all of our kratom products under the strict guidelines of the AKA.

You can be confident in the kratom you purchase from us because of our attention to quality, but also because we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

How to Buy Red Wine Kratom Powder

We offer our Red Wine Kratom Powder in a variety of quantities to help you get what you need at a price you want to pay. We have 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000-gram bags of kratom powder ready to be shipped to your door. All of our kratom products come packaged in GMP-compliant, resealable bags to help ensure freshness and purity.

Similar Strains

Red Wine Kratom isn’t a type of kratom you can find everywhere, so you may be wondering what other strains can compare? If you like Red Wine Kratom, then try these strains:

White Borneo

This is a popular strain of kratom in its own right with a wonderful alkaloid balance that people gravitate toward. Plus, it’s easy to find both online and in your favorite kratom shop, so you don’t have to worry about having enough for your kratom collection. White Borneo makes an excellent choice for those who are new to kratom, too.

Red Bali

If you like the robust alkaloid profile of Red Wine Kratom, then you may also like Red Bali Kratom. This kratom’s alkaloid balance is comparable to Red Wine Kratom.

Red Horn Kratom

Red Horn Kratom is a unique strain because its leaves have tiny, horn-like spikes running along the edges. It is thought that these spikes, or horns, help to create a unique alkaloid content in the leaves. Be warned, however, that this strain of kratom is not for those who are new to the world of kratom and is best left for those with more experience.

What are you waiting for? Order our unique Red Wine Kratom Powder today!

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100g, 1kg, 250g, 500g

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