Kratom has a lot of legalities that surround it, which has caused it to be banned in a few states across the nation. This herb is not federally regulated, so each state must make its own mind up when it comes to the legalities surrounding kratom. This has caused some issues and restrictions to be placed on kratom. It has left many kratom enthusiasts wondering how old do you have to be to buy kratom. This is a good question, but the answer will vary from state to state. Let’s take a closer look at age restrictions and kratom.
How Old Do You Have to be to Buy Kratom?
When it comes to age restrictions kratom will vary from one state to the next. Some states do not have any specifications when it comes to how old you have to be to buy kratom. Other states demand that the customer be 18 years or older. To get the best answer let’s explore each state and what their restrictions are when it comes to the age limit to buy kratom.
Kratom is illegal in this state. It has been classified as a
Schedule I Controlled Substance. This means no matter what age you are; you will not be able to purchase kratom in
Alabama. If you are caught with kratom you will face criminal charges. At this time there is no other legislation pending that could change the status of kratom.
Kratom is legal in
Alaska but there are no regulations. This means that they have not set any laws that say you have to be a specific age to buy kratom in this state.
Arizona is one of the few states that have adopted the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. In doing so, they placed an age restriction on kratom. You must be 18 years or older to buy kratom in Arizona.
Kratom has been classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance in
Arkansas. This means that it is banned in this state and you will not be able to purchase it regardless of what age you are.
Kratom is legal in all areas of
California except for San Diego. At this time, there are no age restrictions on kratom. This means you can purchase it without issue despite what age you are.
Kratom is banned in Monument and Parker. There are also restrictions in
Denver where all kratom has to be labeled: Not For Human Consumption. Other than that, there are no other restrictions on kratom. They have not officially set age restrictions for kratom in this state.
Kratom is legal in
Connecticut without any type of restrictions. This means they have not taken the steps to set up an age restriction for kratom.
Delaware has no regulations or age restrictions on kratom. There are no laws pending that could place restrictions on this herb.
Kratom has been banned in Sarasota County but is legal in all other areas of
Florida. They have not set any age restrictions for kratom in this state.
Georgia adopted the Kratom Consumer Protection Act in 2019. In adopting this act, they placed an age restriction of 18 years or older to buy kratom.
Hawaii has no restrictions on kratom. This means you can buy kratom in this state without having to worry about what age you are.
Idaho leaves it up to their patrons when it comes to kratom. They have no type of regulations or restrictions in place. This means that you will not have to worry about age restrictions when buying kratom in this state.
Kratom is illegal in Jerseyville, Illinois. It is legal in all other areas of
Illinois but you have to be 18 years old to purchase this herb.
Kratom is banned in
Indiana. It has been classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance. No matter what age you are, you will not be able to buy kratom in Indiana.
There are no age restrictions for kratom in
Iowa. This means you will be able to buy kratom without the worry of what age you are.
Kansas does not have any type of restrictions when it comes to buying kratom. There was pending legislation to schedule kratom but it failed. So, you can buy kratom in Kansas without any issues regardless of your age.
Kentucky has left it up to its patrons when it comes to kratom. There are no restrictions or regulations. You can freely buy kratom despite your age.
Louisiana has no restrictions when it comes to kratom. This means you can buy without any issues in this state.
Maine is pretty laid back and it will come as no surprise to know that there are no age restrictions in this state.
Maryland allows its citizens to make their own minds up when it comes to using kratom. They have no regulations or age restrictions in place.
There are no age restrictions or regulations in
Massachusetts. So, you are in luck if you live in this state and you are looking to purchase kratom.
While there was a bill to ban kratom, it died in the committee. So, there are no regulations or age restrictions you need to worry about in
Minnesota does have some regulations in place. Patrons need to be 18 years old to buy kratom. Please keep this in mind when buying locally and online. This age restriction will be enforced.
Kratom is illegal in Union County and the city of Columbus. However, it is offered in all other areas of
Mississippi without any regulations or age restrictions.
Missouri trusts its citizens to make their own choice when it comes to kratom. There are no regulations or age restrictions in this state.
Montana has no regulations or age restrictions that you have to worry about when purchasing kratom.
Nebraska has no age restrictions or regulations for you to worry about.
You must be 18 years or older to buy kratom in
Nevada. This state took the extra steps to adopt the Kratom Consumer Protection Act, which helps regulate the kratom industry and make it safer for consumers.
While there is a motion to ban kratom in this state it remains legal. There are no regulations or restrictions that you have to worry about when buying kratom in
New Jersey.
New Mexico has no restrictions when it comes to kratom. This means you can buy kratom without worrying about age restrictions.
New York has put in place an age restriction to buy kratom. You must be 18 years or older to purchase kratom in New York.
North Carolina has no age restrictions when it comes to kratom. This allows you to buy it without any issues.
North Dakota does not have any age restrictions in place. Allowing you to freely buy this herb in their state.
Ohio is free of age restrictions when it comes to kratom. This allows you to easily access kratom without age becoming an issue.
Oklahoma has no regulations or age restrictions in place for kratom.
Oregon has no age restrictions in place. This allows you to buy kratom locally or online in this state.
Pennsylvania has no age restrictions in place for kratom. This allows you to buy kratom despite what age you are.
Rhode Island has ban kratom. It has been classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance. This means you will not be able to access kratom in this state despite your age. If you are caught with kratom you could face criminal charges.
South Carolina has no restrictions when it comes to kratom. This allows the user to buy kratom in this state regardless of what age you are.
Kratom is legal in
Tennessee but you must be 21 years old to purchase it. This is a much higher age limit than in other states.
Texas has no age restrictions for kratom.
Utah has taken the necessary steps to adopt the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. They have also put in place an age restriction for kratom. This means you have to be 18 years old to purchase kratom in this state.
Kratom is on the Schedule I Controlled Substance list in
Vermont. This makes kratom illegal in this state.
Virginia has no age restrictions for kratom. This means you can buy kratom without any issues.
Washington has no regulations for kratom. This means you can buy kratom without any age restrictions.
Kratom is a Schedule I Controlled Substance in
Wisconsin. This means you will not be able to buy kratom in this state regardless of your age.
Wyoming has no restrictions. This means you will be able to purchase kratom no matter what age you are in this state.
Recap Of State Age Restrictions
As you can see, kratom is not highly regulated. Most states allow you to purchase kratom without the worry of age restrictions. You have to understand that kratom is an herb that is not highly studied. So, some states have chosen to ban kratom without understanding the support that it can offer.
As of right now, the following states have age restrictions: Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Tennessee, and Utah. All states except for Tennessee require you to be 18 years or older. Tennessee you must be 21 years old to purchase kratom.
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Written by Nimesh Madushanka
Updated on January 29th, 2024